Thursday, May 28, 2009

Almost there?

Well, another check up at the OB office today revealed that my uterus is defying all least as far as my pregnancies go...and refusing to let this little guy out. I'm 37 1/2 weeks, and was 2 cm dilated, not effaced at all, and my contractions...YOU know, the ones that rear their ugly heads at me around 20 weeks, have all but stopped!

Ironic, isn't it?

However, I'm certainly NOT complaining about making it this far, in truth we have been SO thankful that I not only have made it almost to 38 weeks, but that I didn't have to visit the L&D unit for an emergency ONE TIME during this pregnancy! That is a definite first for us. So, we continue to anxiously await the arrival of Aaron, I mean, I certainly can't stay pregnant FOREVER...can I?

Here are more pics of the girls!

My little Texan

Snow White...defying gravity

Hmmm...which one of us is really pregnant?

Addison LOVES to pick flowers and put them behind her ear

Her favorite the summertime too!

Pretty little princess!!

Mom, I just want to be a big girl!!!

1 comment:

carridawn said...

I am laughing so hard at the pic of Addison and her panties on top of her pjs!!! Love the cute pics of the hat with Emily. They are growing up too fast, but are as beautiful as ever! Can't wait to see Aaron! Sending you lots of love!