Friday, January 23, 2009

So, yesterday morning Emily got up as usual, and after lying on the couch for a few minutes, announced that she needed to go potty. Addison was also up at this point, so she and I were playing in the living room, since Emily rarely needs help in the bathroom anymore.

After a few minutes, however, things just seemed a little too quiet...

I walk into the bathroom to see what might be going on, and I see my 31/2 year old daughter, standing in front of the toilet, COMPLETELY naked. She is not just standing in front of the toilet, she is actually facing the toilet, trying to move forward enough so that she is standing OVER the toilet.

I ask, "uh, honey, what are you trying to do?"

She looks at me innocently and replies, "I want to do it the way daddy does it!"

If only I had a picture...

1 comment:

carridawn said...

I LOVE IT!!! That is so funny! Definitely a story to be told for years to come. :)