Saturday, February 28, 2009


Today was an exciting day for Emily! Joe McDermott, a children's singer based in Austin, Texas, was here in San Antonio today for a performance at a local bookstore. He is absolutely hilarious, has the greatest children's songs, and Emily ADORES him. If this gives you an idea of the "groupie" we have on our hands, I was told by Emily's preschool teacher this year that on any given day, she can often be found on the playground performing Joe McDermott songs for her fellow teachers and friends.

She has been looking forward to this morning ALL week long, and Joe did not disappoint. Here is a cute video of one of his songs below:

Emily is the one down in the front left hand side of the video with a pink jacket on. She had a blast! Addison did not venture out to see Joe too much, there were just so many books to pull off the shelves, screaming to be done, and people to hug.

When we left, Emily insisted that when we get home, we needed to write Joe a letter to tell him what a good job he did today. Too cute! And for the grand finale, a picture of Emily and Joe after the performance:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby brother!!!

Ok, so I've been REALLY bad about posting anything at all about this latest pregnancy, much less anything about the fact that we're having a BOY!!! I know those of you that read this blog are well aware of this, however, since this blog is supposed to be an account for me (when I become old and senile and can't remember anything...oh wait, it's already happening) to remember the special things that our kids do, I'm already FAR behind in the life of this little one!

Well, everyone, meet baby brother. I can already tell he's going to be trouble. As you can see, instead of waving a polite "hello" to the ultrasound tech, he has chosen to unabashedly moon us all, AND give us a very close up view of his "business".

Not that I'm too surprised by his behavior. Both of his big sisters can frequently be found around the house in "not so lady-like" positions. Daddy is appalled by this at times, I most of the time think it's not a big deal...I have no idea where they get this from...

Wow, I just read what I wrote above. He is going to have TWO big sisters. That means when all of this is said and done, we will have not one...not TWO, but THREE KIDS!!!! Does that sound a little crazy to anyone else? I usually try not to think about it too much because I start to get a little dizzy, break out into a cold sweat, and crave a, of course :)

You may be wondering how this pregnancy is going, considering that my body loves to get pregnant, but once the kids are inside, they can't WAIT to get out! Things are actually going great right now. I'm 24 weeks today (baby due June 14th), and usually by this time am RAGING with Braxton Hicks contractions (which is what put me on bedrest for 8 weeks with Addison). So far, I have only a handful of contractions a day, which for me is very manageable, and not troublesome at this point. Overall, I have felt really good, and have been able to keep up some light swimming a couple of times a week. I had an OB appointment last week...

...I digress for a minute, Emily came with me to the appointment, it was too cute, she got to hear baby brother's heartbeat and her eyes just got HUGE, she thought it was the coolest thing...
...also, in the waiting room, Emily insisted on telling everyone she saw that Barack Obama was our president, and that Joe Biden was our vice president. I don't think anyone was too impressed, they probably were already aware of this fact...

....or maybe they just didn't want to be reminded ;)

ANYWAY, at the appointment, my OB and I came up with a plan for tackling those pesky contractions: if and when I start to have rhythmic contractions, we will start progesterone injections right away to hopefully ease them up. So please pray for a healthy pregnancy, healthy baby and healthy delivery (on time!!!)

The girls are excited about having a brother, at least Emily is very excited. Addison simply understands that when she points to my tummy, she says "baby". Baby brother frequently gets sweet kisses from Emily and she likes to cover my tummy with a blanket because he gets cold. Too cute. I think Emily will be fine with having another sibling. She is a natural nurterer, and loves playing mommy to anyone and anything. Addison I wonder about sometimes...she is very cuddly, a bit more temperamental, a total mama's girl, and I can see her having a bit more trouble with this one. It's going to be fun to see how they react to him!

Ah, yes, why do we keep calling him baby brother? Well, we have some names that have made the final cut list, but we have not chosen anything for certain yet. So until I have further details, the best I can do for you is baby brother!

We'll keep you posted on any new developments!